You Are What You Think
Where shall we begin to start in our quest for health, wealth and happiness?
First, understand this "You are what you think and not what you think you are!"
Thought produces form so beware what you think!
Form and environment are moulded by the actions we take. Before any action is taken there must have been thought. Thought is the initial energy behind every action we take or decide not to take and is a direct product of the mind. It therefore follows that mind is the creative source from which all conditions arise.
What we think about all day will manifest in our life as surely as the Sun will rise tomorrow. The thoughts we have result in the very circumstances in which we live. Our financial status, our character, our relationships, and our very environment are all a direct result of the thoughts we choose to entertain. We may want wealth and think we are entitled to it but still live in misery and poverty. Why? Both the general thoughts we agree to by consensus (suggestions given to us by society, race or religion etc) and personal thoughts we choose to entertain.
There is an exact law. The law simply states that happiness, health, success and wealth are simply the fruits of right thinking. If our past thinking is responsible for our present condition then our present thinking will be responsible for our future condition.
What is right thinking?
Any thought of good moral grounding that empowers our lifes purpose can be regarded as right thinking.
I have no idea what my lifes purpose is?
Use personal development as your lifes purpose. Teach others what you have learnt and experienced. Make a living from it. As sure as night follows day there will come a point of realisation and then you will know without doubt what your true destiny is. You see, as we reach higher states of being through continued personal growth we attain a greater capacity to discern what we truly require and therefore attract into our lives. There is a great book called Wishcraft
by Barbara Sher about helping you discover what you really desire. It may just help you find your true path.
It should have now become clear that to change our circumstances and/or environment we need to master our thoughts and the direction they take. The captain of a ship does not set sail without a destination in mind. Imagine the consequences if he did!! This is the exact same gamble we are taking on a day to day basis with the random thoughts we choose to entertain. They constantly send us in different directions and we end up in a place we would rather not be. When we begin to change our thoughts to become more focused and when random thoughts become less and less obtrusive we begin to make great strides forward and attract the things we really desire.
How do we begin to master our thoughts?
We must simply become aware of our thoughts in order to master them. Much of our thinking is reactive. In other words we let the external world dictate our thoughts and then become so engrossed in them that for most of the time we are completely unaware of the process. Each thought we have is a message to the sub-conscious mind, a command if you like to manifest our environment in direct accordance with the thoughts we had. You see now why our conditions are as they are! When we become aware of our thoughts we have the ability to observe them. The fact that we can observe them means that we can choose which thoughts to entertain and which thoughts to let go. This process takes place in our Conscious mind and it is this faculty of mind we need to strengthen in order to regain full control of our lives. The Conscious mind will become the watchman at the gate, the true defender of our spirit.
How do we become aware?
We are aware in accordance with the level of our consciousness. Our level of consciousness can be raised in numerous ways but a good place to start is meditation. Meditation is all about constant observation of the mind. There are many different types of meditation that can be practiced and the different techniques can be studied at numerous places on the internet. I suggest you start with a technique that you feel comfortable with. I have personally found Transcendental Meditation to be a great benefit in my life but for this you need a qualified instructor.
God bless, peace and love
First, understand this "You are what you think and not what you think you are!"
Thought produces form so beware what you think!
Form and environment are moulded by the actions we take. Before any action is taken there must have been thought. Thought is the initial energy behind every action we take or decide not to take and is a direct product of the mind. It therefore follows that mind is the creative source from which all conditions arise.
What we think about all day will manifest in our life as surely as the Sun will rise tomorrow. The thoughts we have result in the very circumstances in which we live. Our financial status, our character, our relationships, and our very environment are all a direct result of the thoughts we choose to entertain. We may want wealth and think we are entitled to it but still live in misery and poverty. Why? Both the general thoughts we agree to by consensus (suggestions given to us by society, race or religion etc) and personal thoughts we choose to entertain.
There is an exact law. The law simply states that happiness, health, success and wealth are simply the fruits of right thinking. If our past thinking is responsible for our present condition then our present thinking will be responsible for our future condition.
What is right thinking?
Any thought of good moral grounding that empowers our lifes purpose can be regarded as right thinking.
I have no idea what my lifes purpose is?
Use personal development as your lifes purpose. Teach others what you have learnt and experienced. Make a living from it. As sure as night follows day there will come a point of realisation and then you will know without doubt what your true destiny is. You see, as we reach higher states of being through continued personal growth we attain a greater capacity to discern what we truly require and therefore attract into our lives. There is a great book called Wishcraft
It should have now become clear that to change our circumstances and/or environment we need to master our thoughts and the direction they take. The captain of a ship does not set sail without a destination in mind. Imagine the consequences if he did!! This is the exact same gamble we are taking on a day to day basis with the random thoughts we choose to entertain. They constantly send us in different directions and we end up in a place we would rather not be. When we begin to change our thoughts to become more focused and when random thoughts become less and less obtrusive we begin to make great strides forward and attract the things we really desire.
How do we begin to master our thoughts?
We must simply become aware of our thoughts in order to master them. Much of our thinking is reactive. In other words we let the external world dictate our thoughts and then become so engrossed in them that for most of the time we are completely unaware of the process. Each thought we have is a message to the sub-conscious mind, a command if you like to manifest our environment in direct accordance with the thoughts we had. You see now why our conditions are as they are! When we become aware of our thoughts we have the ability to observe them. The fact that we can observe them means that we can choose which thoughts to entertain and which thoughts to let go. This process takes place in our Conscious mind and it is this faculty of mind we need to strengthen in order to regain full control of our lives. The Conscious mind will become the watchman at the gate, the true defender of our spirit.
How do we become aware?
We are aware in accordance with the level of our consciousness. Our level of consciousness can be raised in numerous ways but a good place to start is meditation. Meditation is all about constant observation of the mind. There are many different types of meditation that can be practiced and the different techniques can be studied at numerous places on the internet. I suggest you start with a technique that you feel comfortable with. I have personally found Transcendental Meditation to be a great benefit in my life but for this you need a qualified instructor.
God bless, peace and love
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