Conversations WIth Perrier - Part 1
Perrier: Uncle, are you a Sorcerer?
Flamel: I prefer to be thought of as an Alchemist.
Perrier: I am told that Sorcerers are masters of manifestation.
Flamel: Yes indeed and many are great practitioners of their art.
Perrier: What art do you talk of?
Flamel: The ability to shift their conscious awareness and focus on entirely different energy configurations far beyond the normal conscious awareness of the world we choose to perceive.
Perrier: You mean like dreaming.
Flamel: I would say more like dreaming with awareness.
Perrier: How is this possible?
Flamel: By practice.
Perrier: How can one practice this?
Flamel: It is not a simple matter and can take many years even to grasp the basics. Even so dreaming with awareness of ones dreams is only the first step to becoming a master Sorcerer.
Perrier: Why bother to practice it?
Flamel: To come to understand and see the essence of the Universe. To know the essence and that which controls it.
Perrier: Are you saying that once we see the essence and understand it we can then manipulate it.
Flamel: Exactly.
Perrier: Isn't this dangerous?
Flamel: Of course it can be in the wrong hands. Many of the old Sorcerers have manipulated energy for their own gain. Alas, in doing so they build their own prison.
Perrier: What do you mean?
Flamel: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle......
Perrier: I see, their attachment to things in the physical world stops them from ever accessing the spiritual realm.
Flamel: You learn fast nephew. The more conscious you become the less attached to things you are simply because you now have a different perspective.
Perrier: I'm not with you there. If these old Sorcerers could manipulate energy surely they were also more conscious?
Flamel: You can choose to expand consciousness or choose to shift it. Sorcerers practice both forms of discipline but unfortunately sometimes get trapped by the latter and the ease by which they can attain power over people and things. Both of these paths lead you through a gateway to the world of energy and manifestation. I have discovered through my own efforts that conscious expansion makes you less attached to things physical. It is a paradox that Conscious expansion allows you to attract those things you desire yet at the same time you are quite willing to let them go. It is not the having that is a problem it is the attachment to things in the material world that holds us back. This is why giving and sharing are fundamentally spiritual in nature. They make a statement of our oneness with everything and everyone.
Perrier: For me it is so hard to see the world from anything other than a physical standpoint.
Flamel: Remember this, you only see the world from habitual patterns passed to us from generations passed. We see the world from a hunter gatherer like perspective probably born out of an instinct to survive. You see, from the moment of birth we endeavor to perceive in accordance with the obligations our system imposes on us. The energy world comes before the physical. We must start with this premise before we can ever hope to perceive energy directly.
Perrier: Where do I start with all this?
Flamel: You start from where you are.
Perrier: That's a little obvious and I didn't quite mean that
Flamel: I know what you meant nephew you just misunderstood what I said. You see, your self imposed prison, the physical world, is the only place you can start. You have already built the prison in which you live and now you have to tear it down. Please understand that the prison walls are your entire belief system and without changing those beliefs you will never break free. Your complete and utter belief in the apparent truth of the physical world is the very thing that preserves it.
Perrier: How do I begin to change my beliefs?
Flamel: Through evidence contrary to the rule.
Perrier: What like?
Flamel: You will see but first you must do two things. Firstly, come to know your passion and what you wish to attain. This will set your true course in life and stop you drifting aimlessly without any clear direction. Secondly, sit perfectly still for one half hour. This passive exercise serves to control your body and allows you to observe the thoughts you have. When you have completed these two things come back to me and we will discuss them further.
Flamel: I prefer to be thought of as an Alchemist.
Perrier: I am told that Sorcerers are masters of manifestation.
Flamel: Yes indeed and many are great practitioners of their art.
Perrier: What art do you talk of?
Flamel: The ability to shift their conscious awareness and focus on entirely different energy configurations far beyond the normal conscious awareness of the world we choose to perceive.
Perrier: You mean like dreaming.
Flamel: I would say more like dreaming with awareness.
Perrier: How is this possible?
Flamel: By practice.
Perrier: How can one practice this?
Flamel: It is not a simple matter and can take many years even to grasp the basics. Even so dreaming with awareness of ones dreams is only the first step to becoming a master Sorcerer.
Perrier: Why bother to practice it?
Flamel: To come to understand and see the essence of the Universe. To know the essence and that which controls it.
Perrier: Are you saying that once we see the essence and understand it we can then manipulate it.
Flamel: Exactly.
Perrier: Isn't this dangerous?
Flamel: Of course it can be in the wrong hands. Many of the old Sorcerers have manipulated energy for their own gain. Alas, in doing so they build their own prison.
Perrier: What do you mean?
Flamel: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle......
Perrier: I see, their attachment to things in the physical world stops them from ever accessing the spiritual realm.
Flamel: You learn fast nephew. The more conscious you become the less attached to things you are simply because you now have a different perspective.
Perrier: I'm not with you there. If these old Sorcerers could manipulate energy surely they were also more conscious?
Flamel: You can choose to expand consciousness or choose to shift it. Sorcerers practice both forms of discipline but unfortunately sometimes get trapped by the latter and the ease by which they can attain power over people and things. Both of these paths lead you through a gateway to the world of energy and manifestation. I have discovered through my own efforts that conscious expansion makes you less attached to things physical. It is a paradox that Conscious expansion allows you to attract those things you desire yet at the same time you are quite willing to let them go. It is not the having that is a problem it is the attachment to things in the material world that holds us back. This is why giving and sharing are fundamentally spiritual in nature. They make a statement of our oneness with everything and everyone.
Perrier: For me it is so hard to see the world from anything other than a physical standpoint.
Flamel: Remember this, you only see the world from habitual patterns passed to us from generations passed. We see the world from a hunter gatherer like perspective probably born out of an instinct to survive. You see, from the moment of birth we endeavor to perceive in accordance with the obligations our system imposes on us. The energy world comes before the physical. We must start with this premise before we can ever hope to perceive energy directly.
Perrier: Where do I start with all this?
Flamel: You start from where you are.
Perrier: That's a little obvious and I didn't quite mean that
Flamel: I know what you meant nephew you just misunderstood what I said. You see, your self imposed prison, the physical world, is the only place you can start. You have already built the prison in which you live and now you have to tear it down. Please understand that the prison walls are your entire belief system and without changing those beliefs you will never break free. Your complete and utter belief in the apparent truth of the physical world is the very thing that preserves it.
Perrier: How do I begin to change my beliefs?
Flamel: Through evidence contrary to the rule.
Perrier: What like?
Flamel: You will see but first you must do two things. Firstly, come to know your passion and what you wish to attain. This will set your true course in life and stop you drifting aimlessly without any clear direction. Secondly, sit perfectly still for one half hour. This passive exercise serves to control your body and allows you to observe the thoughts you have. When you have completed these two things come back to me and we will discuss them further.
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