Flamels Secret

A Blog dedicated to exposing the illusions of Space and Time and to the ultimate realisation of our true purpose.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Conversations with Perrier - Part 2

Perrier: Uncle, I have decided I would like to become an alchemist.

Flamel: Why?

Perrier: To help me discover my true purpose.

Flamel: But you don't need to study alchemy to discover your true purpose.

Perrier: Then I obviously mis-understood what you meant.

Flamel: I asked you to determine what you wished to attain. It is good to have a passion simply because it gives you direction. You will discover in the journey your true purpose. When you go through life without direction you tend to allow the mind to control you when in fact you should be in control of it.

Perrier: Why is this?

Flamel: Because each time 'you change your mind', take a completely new direction on a whim, act on some impulse, become easily influenced etc, you are letting the mind do the controlling and giving it more power. On the other hand when you are passionate about something it is very hard to get knocked off course. Your mind becomes the tool it should be and is only used to become more expert in your chosen field. The less reliance we have on the mind the more power we give to our true selves, the more we tap into the source of all creativity.

Perrier: I see.

Flamel: So, if alchemy is really what you want to do then do it. But I warn you, don't do it if it is not something you are passionate about.

Perrier: Can you tell my why I had to learn to sit still for 30 minutes?

Flamel: It is one of the first steps in learning how to control your mind. If you can't do this simple exercise to control your physical body, you will never be able to control your mind!

Perrier: But I thought this was why I had to pursue a passion?

Flamel: Even if you pursue a passion with all your heart you would spend more than one lifetime to come into true realisation.

Perrier: So, these exercises will help me get there faster?

Flamel: Yes they will. So did you manage to sit still for one half hour?

Perrier: I did.

Flamel: Very good. And did you observe the thoughts rushing through your head?

Perrier: I did.

Flamel: What does this tell you?

Perrier: It tells me that most my thoughts are worthless. They seemed to be of imaginary conversations, useless opinions, justifications, future projections and all sorts of other trivial nonsense.

Flamel: Exactly. And what else have you learnt from this?

Perrier: I don't follow.

Flamel: Well, if you were observing your thoughts then surely you are not your thoughts. All your life you have identified yourself with these thoughts. In truth you are far greater than anything the mind can conjure up.

Perrier: I see.

Flamel: Now, please do the same exercise but now try and inhibit thought.

Perrier: How can I stop thinking?

Flamel: With difficulty but it can be done. You will not be able to inhibit thought for many minutes but it is a powerful exercise none the less. Now, go away and decide if you really want to be an alchemist. Let me know the results of your new exercise.


Blogger devi1fox said...

I wish I knew results of his new exercise. Then i might compare them to my own.

6:03 AM  

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