Flamels Secret

A Blog dedicated to exposing the illusions of Space and Time and to the ultimate realisation of our true purpose.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Conversations WIth Perrier - Part 1

Perrier: Uncle, are you a Sorcerer?

Flamel: I prefer to be thought of as an Alchemist.

Perrier: I am told that Sorcerers are masters of manifestation.

Flamel: Yes indeed and many are great practitioners of their art.

Perrier: What art do you talk of?

Flamel: The ability to shift their conscious awareness and focus on entirely different energy configurations far beyond the normal conscious awareness of the world we choose to perceive.

Perrier: You mean like dreaming.

Flamel: I would say more like dreaming with awareness.

Perrier: How is this possible?

Flamel: By practice.

Perrier: How can one practice this?

Flamel: It is not a simple matter and can take many years even to grasp the basics. Even so dreaming with awareness of ones dreams is only the first step to becoming a master Sorcerer.

Perrier: Why bother to practice it?

Flamel: To come to understand and see the essence of the Universe. To know the essence and that which controls it.

Perrier: Are you saying that once we see the essence and understand it we can then manipulate it.

Flamel: Exactly.

Perrier: Isn't this dangerous?

Flamel: Of course it can be in the wrong hands. Many of the old Sorcerers have manipulated energy for their own gain. Alas, in doing so they build their own prison.

Perrier: What do you mean?

Flamel: It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle......

Perrier: I see, their attachment to things in the physical world stops them from ever accessing the spiritual realm.

Flamel: You learn fast nephew. The more conscious you become the less attached to things you are simply because you now have a different perspective.

Perrier: I'm not with you there. If these old Sorcerers could manipulate energy surely they were also more conscious?

Flamel: You can choose to expand consciousness or choose to shift it. Sorcerers practice both forms of discipline but unfortunately sometimes get trapped by the latter and the ease by which they can attain power over people and things. Both of these paths lead you through a gateway to the world of energy and manifestation. I have discovered through my own efforts that conscious expansion makes you less attached to things physical. It is a paradox that Conscious expansion allows you to attract those things you desire yet at the same time you are quite willing to let them go. It is not the having that is a problem it is the attachment to things in the material world that holds us back. This is why giving and sharing are fundamentally spiritual in nature. They make a statement of our oneness with everything and everyone.

Perrier: For me it is so hard to see the world from anything other than a physical standpoint.

Flamel: Remember this, you only see the world from habitual patterns passed to us from generations passed. We see the world from a hunter gatherer like perspective probably born out of an instinct to survive. You see, from the moment of birth we endeavor to perceive in accordance with the obligations our system imposes on us. The energy world comes before the physical. We must start with this premise before we can ever hope to perceive energy directly.

Perrier: Where do I start with all this?

Flamel: You start from where you are.

Perrier: That's a little obvious and I didn't quite mean that

Flamel: I know what you meant nephew you just misunderstood what I said. You see, your self imposed prison, the physical world, is the only place you can start. You have already built the prison in which you live and now you have to tear it down. Please understand that the prison walls are your entire belief system and without changing those beliefs you will never break free. Your complete and utter belief in the apparent truth of the physical world is the very thing that preserves it.

Perrier: How do I begin to change my beliefs?

Flamel: Through evidence contrary to the rule.

Perrier: What like?

Flamel: You will see but first you must do two things. Firstly, come to know your passion and what you wish to attain. This will set your true course in life and stop you drifting aimlessly without any clear direction. Secondly, sit perfectly still for one half hour. This passive exercise serves to control your body and allows you to observe the thoughts you have. When you have completed these two things come back to me and we will discuss them further.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Circumstance is Made By Us

We exist in an ocean of energy. This energy is constantly changing, however slightly, in accordance with our thoughts. We change the very composition of the Universe as we think. The fact that we are ignorant of these thoughts matters not one iota. We have chosen to remain asleep and let the thoughts do their bidding. This is why we go through life constantly dealing with unwelcome effects and never really get to grip with the ultimate cause! We are like a galleon without sails in a tempestuous sea.

When we begin to understand that everything has a probability of existence dependent on thought and is only realised and experienced through observation we can determine that we are in fact creating our own worlds. Everything is created by the observer in accordance with the thoughts we entertain, our expectations, and the conscious level of our being. Thoughts expressed through emotion mould and create the things we come to experience. Expectations are a form of faith and keep the world from slipping into a bizzare nightmare of nonsense. These are the rules, correct or incorrect, which we have chosen to govern our lives. Finally, our level of consciousness determines the power and speed in which we can bring something into existence. The implication of time is only in the context of our expectation within the confines of the physical world. A super conscious being can materialise anything in no time if so desired. Jesus did this on a regular basis when he performed miracles.

What of the the things I desire?

Everything we ever desired is already here and now. We only need to experience what we already have. The perceived time it takes to experience something we desire is relative to our degree of consciousness. Simply stated, each and every one of your desires already exists but your perception of time has not let you experience them yet. Your perception of time is somewhat dependent on your level of consciousness. Pure consciousness transcends any limitation imposed by the physical world.

Where to we go from here?

Your life doesn't change by knowing alone, it changes by doing something about what you know. We have to determine where to go, raise our levels of consciousness and take one step at a time towards our goal. As each step is taken be fully present. You will instinctively know the next step to take as you move towards your goal. Life now has direction and is guaranteed to bring you your hearts desire.

God bless, peace and love

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Is Space Just an Illusion?

Let's take a short trip into the world of Quantum Physics. Quantum Physics is a branch of science dealing with incredibly small units of energy known as Quanta.

All objects in the Universe are composed of these units of energy called Quanta. Nothing solid actually exists it only appears that way because of our limited sensory perception.

The human body is composed of cells which in turn are composed of molecules which in turn are composed of atoms. Atoms are composed of sub-atomic particles which are in fact energy or Quanta. Quanta behave both like particles and waves and this duality has been shown in many experiments.

It has been shown in one very popular experiment involving a screen with slits and a photon gun that particles actually change their behaviour when we observe them. When a single photon is shot at the screen without the placement of sensors it appears as though it passed through both slits. As soon as a sensor is attached to either of the slits then the photon only passes through one slit. It appears that the photon only exists as a particle when we decide to observe it. Niels Bohr one of the great Quantum physicists basically believed that nothing actually exists unless it is observed. He also said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."

Many experiments have since proved that Quanta are just probabilities of existence and that it is only through the act of observation that they spring into existence as an object. This goes for every object in the Universe including our own bodies. They are all made up from probabilities of existence and only become form when observed. When the object is not being observed in one place the vibrating mass of energy could just as well be representing another object under observation somewhere else. Other experiments have shown that Quanta can communicate with other Quanta instantaneously over vast distances of space.

What has all this got to do with the illusion of Space?

Well space is just relative to the body you occupy. All our ideas about space are derived from sensory experience. The problem here is that sensory experience is itself a physical mechanism governed by our bodies but ultimately derived from Quanta as is all the equipment we use to measure space. We are completely reliant on this ocean of energy to dictate our experience of space.

How much space, in terms of what we know, is required to hold all the energy required to sustain the Universe?

Big Bang theorists argue that at the very beginning of the Universe all matter and energy were concentrated at a single point. I suggest to you that it still is and the expanding universe is just another huge but extremely impressive illusion. Given that Quanta can communicate over vast distances in no time at all suggests that space as we know it does not exist.

There is only Here and Now!

God Bless, Peace and Love.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Time is Annihilated!

As we continue with Meditation do you notice a raised level of conscious awareness? Are you starting to notice the thoughts rushing through your mind as they happen?

This is the beginning of the awakening process. Meditation has a spillover effect. A few times a day you will catch yourself observing your thoughts and this pattern can continue for months or even years without any noticable improvement. But here is the trick. When you become aware of your thoughts simply hold onto the observation as long as you can. This has to become an automatic response. At first it will be quite difficult and won't always be automatic but as time goes on you will find that you are able to remain aware for longer periods without lapsing into the unconscious awake mode you are so accustomed to. During these moments you should let go of negative thoughts and consciously replace them with empowering positive thoughts. Thoughts produce feelings and it is the degree to which you feel something that effects the sub-conscious mind.

This is a great exercise because you will get to see the huge volume of thoughts that pass through you mind each day and at the same time realise how pointless most of them are. At the same time the negative impact on your sub-conscious is reduced as the empowering positive thoughts replace them. As you become more and more aware you will notice a stillness of mind. You are regaining conscious control of your mind and the random thoughts that you do have become less and less frequent. This is because you are starting to live in the moment and harnessing a far greater power source for your everyday tasks.

When you live in the present then you do what needs to be done with absolute focus on the task at hand. The task at hand is given over to the sub-conscious in a much greater degree and a natural free flowing seemingly effortless composure is noticable in everything you do. Think how much energy is saved. This is not work it is pure love in action. How do you think Mozart was able to create such great music and so much of it? How come Stephen King is such a prolific writer producing so many best sellers? I can tell you now it was not through a mind cluttered with thousands of useless thoughts interfering with anything and everything you have a mind to do. A mind in this state could not tap out a simple rythm without faltering or indeed even begin to write a book of any worth.

Thoughts now become a useful tool rather than excessive noise cluttering your mind. The thoughts you have become directly related to the task at hand. There is no clutter and you become far more efficient.

You see, previously we were living in either the past or the future. Our thoughts were related to moments gone by or related to things that may or may not be - all preventing us from living in the present. Needless thoughts of worry, anxiety etc are past projections of what might happen in the future preventing us living now!! Likewise, thoughts of envy, jealousy, anger etc are holding us in the past.

If you read my first post you will understand a little about Nicolas Flamel and how seemingly he was able to live for many more years than the average person. Now, think on this, did you know that living in the past or the future makes you old before your time! As we begin to live in the present we start to realise that time is in fact an illusion. Past and future are just thoughts we have relative to the present. Our inner self is timeless and never ages. In the present we are fully conscious and become more identified with our inner self rather than with our outer body. Even so our outer body becomes filled with consciousness and we experience lightness and clarity. We become less identified with time and our bodies take on an ageless appearance. This is a very important concept behind the aging process. There are many great ideas and products for helping us regain that fountain of youth we all so desperately seek but none so important as living in the present moment.

Imagine what life will be when we begin to live in the moment of now!

God bless, peace and love

Monday, February 13, 2006

You Are What You Think

Where shall we begin to start in our quest for health, wealth and happiness?

First, understand this "You are what you think and not what you think you are!"

Thought produces form so beware what you think!

Form and environment are moulded by the actions we take. Before any action is taken there must have been thought. Thought is the initial energy behind every action we take or decide not to take and is a direct product of the mind. It therefore follows that mind is the creative source from which all conditions arise.

What we think about all day will manifest in our life as surely as the Sun will rise tomorrow. The thoughts we have result in the very circumstances in which we live. Our financial status, our character, our relationships, and our very environment are all a direct result of the thoughts we choose to entertain. We may want wealth and think we are entitled to it but still live in misery and poverty. Why? Both the general thoughts we agree to by consensus (suggestions given to us by society, race or religion etc) and personal thoughts we choose to entertain.

There is an exact law. The law simply states that happiness, health, success and wealth are simply the fruits of right thinking. If our past thinking is responsible for our present condition then our present thinking will be responsible for our future condition.

What is right thinking?

Any thought of good moral grounding that empowers our lifes purpose can be regarded as right thinking.

I have no idea what my lifes purpose is?

Use personal development as your lifes purpose. Teach others what you have learnt and experienced. Make a living from it. As sure as night follows day there will come a point of realisation and then you will know without doubt what your true destiny is. You see, as we reach higher states of being through continued personal growth we attain a greater capacity to discern what we truly require and therefore attract into our lives. There is a great book called Wishcraft by Barbara Sher about helping you discover what you really desire. It may just help you find your true path.

It should have now become clear that to change our circumstances and/or environment we need to master our thoughts and the direction they take. The captain of a ship does not set sail without a destination in mind. Imagine the consequences if he did!! This is the exact same gamble we are taking on a day to day basis with the random thoughts we choose to entertain. They constantly send us in different directions and we end up in a place we would rather not be. When we begin to change our thoughts to become more focused and when random thoughts become less and less obtrusive we begin to make great strides forward and attract the things we really desire.

How do we begin to master our thoughts?

We must simply become aware of our thoughts in order to master them. Much of our thinking is reactive. In other words we let the external world dictate our thoughts and then become so engrossed in them that for most of the time we are completely unaware of the process. Each thought we have is a message to the sub-conscious mind, a command if you like to manifest our environment in direct accordance with the thoughts we had. You see now why our conditions are as they are! When we become aware of our thoughts we have the ability to observe them. The fact that we can observe them means that we can choose which thoughts to entertain and which thoughts to let go. This process takes place in our Conscious mind and it is this faculty of mind we need to strengthen in order to regain full control of our lives. The Conscious mind will become the watchman at the gate, the true defender of our spirit.

How do we become aware?

We are aware in accordance with the level of our consciousness. Our level of consciousness can be raised in numerous ways but a good place to start is meditation. Meditation is all about constant observation of the mind. There are many different types of meditation that can be practiced and the different techniques can be studied at numerous places on the internet. I suggest you start with a technique that you feel comfortable with. I have personally found Transcendental Meditation to be a great benefit in my life but for this you need a qualified instructor.

God bless, peace and love

Friday, February 10, 2006

The Story of Nicolas Flamel

Who was Nicolas Flamel and What was his secret?

Of the first question there is quite a lot of recorded history. Of the second, well that's what we are here to discover!

Nicolas Flamel lived during the 14th Century. He was a Parisian Book Merchant and owned a small shop on the Rue de Marivaux. During his life he wrote many manuscripts and was revered by scholars, philosophers and priests. Such greats as Isaac Newton studied his work and spent many hours copying the volumes he had written. His great interest was the study of alchemy, not just from a physical perspective of turning base metals into gold but from the more loftier aspiration of spiritual development.

One night Nicolas Flamel had a strange dream. In the dream an Angel told him that he would come into possession of a rare book. This book he would not understand at first but that one day he would see in it that which no other man would be able to see.

Flamel thought little more of the dream until one day an old man of dubious appearance walked into his shop. The old man was Jewish and in desperate need of money. At the time the Jewish people in France were being persecuted and many were leaving for Spain where the Arab settlers were less hostile. Nicolas Flamel instantly recognised the book that the old man was carrying. For that very same book was the same book he had seen in his dream. Flamel immediately paid 2 Florins for the book recognising at once its divine virtue.

On the first page of the book was reference to the author one Abraham the Jew, prince, priest, Levite, astrologer, and philosopher. This was followed by curses on those that were unworthy to read it unless they were either a priest or a scribe. Flamel was bewildered by the ancient Hebrew, curious symbols and a mysterious word Maranatha written throughout the book.

Nicolas Flamel knew at once this book contained the secrets of the Wise. The answers to the hidden secrets of the universe, indeed lifes very purpose!! He also knew in his heart that this book contained secrets that should only be revealed to the worthy. The secrets within would only do harm to those that were not ready to receive them. Jesus voiced this very sentiment when he said, "pearls must not be given as food to swine". Certain information in the wrong hands can be very dangerous!

From the very moment he received the book he made it a lifes passion to uncover the secrets within. For 21 years he struggled with the mysterious symbols and cryptic language but alas to no avail. Because the Jewish people had in the main been driven from France he could not consult with the people he needed to.

After much internal debate Flamel decided to make the treacherous Journey to spain where many of the Jews had migrated. Perhaps there he would find a wise rabbi who could help unravel the books secret. The journey he was about to undertake would be fraught with danger and Flamel decided to hide the real purpose of his mission by making a pilgrimage to Compostela. He took with him some pages he had copied from the book well aware that taking the real thing would be far too risky.

Little is known of his adventures except that when he reached Spain he could find little if anything about the Book of Abraham the Jew. Time was not on his side and back in Paris his dear wife Pernelle was waiting for him patiently. With this in mind he set a course for home with sadness in his heart with so little to show for his journey.

On his way home he passed through Leon and stopped the night in an Inn. Flamel shared a table with a merchant from Boulogne and told him of his wish to find Jewish scholar. By a strange twist of fate the merchant told Flamel of a man he knew by the name of Canches and that a meeting could be arranged if he wished. Flamel decided to give it one more chance and see if Canches knew anything of Abraham the Jew and the book he had written.

When Flamel met Canches he was astounded to know that Canches did indeed know of Abraham the Jew. What's more, he knew ancient Hebrew and could help translate the cryptic symbols on the few pages Flamel had copied. Canches told Flamel that Abraham the Jew was a great master of the wandering race, a scholar and practioner of the mysteries of Cabala. The book had apparently dissapeared from public view centuries ago but had been passed from hand to hand always seeking out those worthy to receive it. Canches had dreamed all his life of finding this priceless book and immediately set to work in translating the pages Flamel had brought with him.

Unfortunately for the two men the few pages Flamel had copied were not enough to reveal the secret. Together they decided to travel to Paris where Canches could see for himself the book that he had always dreamed about. For Canches this was a huge undertaking as his age and health were against him. He prayed that his frail body would hold out for the rest of the journey but alas it would not be so. Sadly, Canches fell ill and died on the way, the ordeal was just too much for him. Flamel would have to go on alone and use the knowledge Canches had given him to decipher the rest of the book.

When Flamel reached Paris everything was as he left it and he immediately preceded to decipher the rest of the book. Over the course of the next 3 years and with the knowledge he had acquired from Canches he was able to decode the rest of the book. It is said that from the knowledge he gained and knowing the materials required he was able to turn mercury into silver and then silver into gold. However, by far the greatest secret he uncovered was the transmutation of the Soul.

From this point on Nicolas Flamel became incredibly wealthy. However, the wealth was not used to satisfy is own ego, comfort or status but rather used for charitable purposes in helping those in need. He built hospitals and houses and restored many churches and graveyards in his neighbourhood. He knew without doubt that the secret he had discovered could not be revealed to a lesser soul for in doing so he also knew that the secret would only increase the imperfection of that soul. Nicolas Flamel knew that our journey was toward the Soul and lay not in the path of physical attainment to satisfy the ego. He knew that it was more about remembering who we are than becoming something else!

Nicolas Flamel died (or so we think) after his wife at the age of eighty. He spent the latter years of his life writing books on alchemy. It is said that he handed down his most treasured secrets to his nephew Perrier and from thereon little is known. A descendant of Flamel by the name of Dubois had somehow got hold of some of the projection powder Flamel had used to turn base metals into gold. In front of King Louis X111 Dubois supposedly used this powder to turn lead balls into Gold. A certain Cardinal Richelieu was greatly intrigued by Dubois and tried to extract the secret from him. Dubois knew nothing about Flamel's secret and Cardinal Richelieu on the pretext of previous crimes Dubois had committed had him imprisoned and condemned to death with subsequent confiscation of his property. It is believed that many of Flamel's manuscripts and possessions ended up with Cardinal Richelieu to be lost through the passage of time. The Book of Abraham the Jew has never been seen since and may still be waiting in some forgotten place awaiting the arrival of a worthy master.

Around this time other people had heard rumours about Flamel and his wealth. Grave robbers broke open Flamels coffin only to find it empty!

The mystery of Nicolas Flamel seemed to have come to an end but for a story written by a Paul Lucas entitled "Voyage dans la Turquie" published in 1719. In the book he tells of a philosopher he met at Broussa who wore Turkish clothes and spoke many languages. He could not estimate the mans age by his looks. The man told Lucas that he was one of seven philosophers who travelled throughout the world seeking wisdom and truth. According to the man a human should be able to live far longer than he or she normally does. A 1000 years was easily possible for those that had the knowledge. What intrigued Paul Lucas was that this man seemed to possess intimate knowledge of Nicolas Flamel. He even knew how Nicolas Flamel had come into possession of the book by Abraham the Jew. This knowledge up until this point was unknown. The man told Lucas that Abraham the Jew was a member of their group and was betrayed and murdered in Paris by a Rabbi who wanted his books and manuscripts. The Rabbi was convicted of Murder and put to death. Another Jew who happened upon the book did not know what it was and wanted to sell it quickly so he could get out of France. As we know he sold it to Nicolas Flamel and the story comes full circle.

This is not the end though. What really surprised Paul Lucas is when the philosopher told him that Flamel and his wife Pernelle were still alive!! Having discovered the great secret Flamel an his wife were able to continue their lifes without aging from the time they discoverd the secret.


The purpose of this Blog is not to discover how to turn base metals into gold but rather the transmutation of Soul. In any case, both are inextricably linked. When you finally rediscover the eternal self, mastery over the physical world is unavoidable. How can you not master something that you yourself created!

Now, what steps can we take to attain true freedom? How can we become healthy and wealthy? What can we do to prevent aging? These are the some of the many questions we will address as we pass through this illusion of space and time. Together we shall discover Flamels Secret!!

God bless, peace and love.